Liturgical Commission

Supporting Worship in the Parish

The Liturgical Commission was resurrected in 2023. The purpose is to inform and resource diocesan clergy and liturgy teams with the most current materials available and authorized for use.


  • Edith Allison
  • Rev. Dr. Valerie Bailey Fischer
  • Rev. Heather Blais, co-chair
  • John Cheek
  • Rev. Dr. Rich Simpson, ex-officio
  • Rev. Lora Smith
  • Rev. Michael Tuck
  • Rev. Dave Woessner
  • Rev. Anna Woofenden, co-chair

Resources for the End of Ordinary Season through Advent

All authorized prayers are available for free online

Visit to discover the many liturgical resources that have been approved for use within the Episcopal Church by General Convention, above and beyond our beloved 1979 Book of Common Prayer.

See resolution here:

See forms suitable for use in bulletins here:

These revisions were done in 2018 for Eucharistic Prayers A, B, and D afterwork by the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music following resolutions authorizing their work at the previous convention in2015. Eucharistic prayer C was referred to the next convention for additional revision by the SCLM and due to the COVID shortened 2022convention the improved version was not approved until 2024. All versions are authorized for use until a new Prayer Book is approved.

Here is the resolution Passed in 2024 for Prayer C which has two versions, Dialogic with rubrics and Fixed response with Rubrics. Bishop Fisher has authorized use until a new Prayer Book is approved.

This passed with no debate in the House of Deputies on the consent calendar.

The following link explains the process for liturgical revision. It is quite long but rich with information about our process for developing new liturgies.

Here is the resolution for the revision of hymn texts which passed with reduced funding.

And the one for a Supplement to the 1982 Hymnal.

This was rejected by the House of Bishops due to the cost, however, Bishop Doyle of Texas agreed to direct the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to begin work and that his diocese would provide funding.

As we approach Indigenous People’s Day, it is a fitting time to look at our congregation's use of Indigenous Land Acknowledgements, in accordance with General Conventions Resolution CO72.

Here are some resources from the Episcopal Church that outline the call of the resolution and give guidance for educating and using land acknowledgment in your congregation.

These resources have been approved by Bishop Fisher for use on November 3, 2024.

The following prayer can be used as an additional Collect, or as an alternative Collect of the Day, for use on November 3:

A Prayer for the General Election
God of grace and truth,
in Jesus you embody your choice of us.
Bless all who make choices in this general election.
Clothe your people with gratitude
for the right to choose our government,
and turn that gratitude into clear choices.
Give those who vote your spirit of wisdom and understanding.
Uphold all who stand for election:
preserve their dignity, and guide them in the path of integrity.
Renew this nation in honor for the stranger,
respect for the different, and cherishing of diversity.
When all the votes are counted,
show us ways to foster the flourishing of all
and be a blessing to our neighbors.
In the name of Christ and the power of your Spirit. Amen.
(Source: St. Martin’s in the Field)

Prayers of the People

These prayers were written by The Rev. Deacon Lora Smith on behalf of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts for use on the Sunday prior to the general election.

"Creator God, we come before you as your beloved children, acknowledging the beauty of your creation, of which we are a part.  Help us to love all your creation, as you have loved us.

Lord, hear our prayer.

All-knowing God, you know our needs even before we speak. We ask your guidance upon our country at this time of our general election. We pray for your guidance and discernment, as we choose those who will lead our country. May their leadership be in accordance with your will for all people.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Shepherding God, we pray for all those called to lead your flock. We pray for the Archbishop, our Presiding Bishop and Presiding Bishop-elect, our Bishop, Doug, and our clergy [names]. May they lead us in your love and mercy.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Empowering God, we pray for our president and all members of Congress. We pray that you will guide them as they make decisions that affect our country and the world. Send them your godly wisdom. Give our candidates for election the strength to choose integrity in their campaigns and in their terms in office.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Merciful God, we pray for the poor and for those who have no voice in our society: the homeless, the destitute, the imprisoned, and the infirm. We pray for those held captive, that your justice and mercy may prevail.

Lord, hear our prayer.

Forgiving God, forgive us for the times when we have had conversations without really listening. Help us listen to others with humble and open hearts. Help the leaders of our country to do the same. Help us, as a nation, to focus less on getting our own way and more on loving our neighbors—especially the most vulnerable among us.

Lord hear our prayer.

Healing God, we pray for the sick. We offer prayers this day for [names] and for those whose infirmity is known only to you. Bring the power of your healing love.

Lord, hear our prayer.

God of the resurrection, we pray for those who have died, and for all the departed, especially [names].

Lord, hear our prayer."

The two watercolors were created by Edith Adams Allison (Grace, Amherst) who serves on the Liturgical Commission. Edith gives permission for these to be used in our liturgy and worship, including printing in leaflets. Download the watercolor images here.

Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols

Did you know we have an Advent Festival of Lessons and Carols? Consider using this service, either as part of your Sunday worship or as a special service. View online here or in the Book of Occasional Services 2022, pg. 22.

Advent Alternative Collects of the Day - Year C

The season of Advent has traditionally included the imagery of lightness and darkness, and at times equating light with good and dark with bad. As the Church strives to engage in the ongoing work of racial reconciliation, we aim to be more intentional and expansive in our language. To that end, four Collects of the Day have been approved by Bishop Fisher for use during the four Sundays in Advent  in Year C for those worshiping communities that wish to use them. They are written by Steven Shakespeare in Prayers for an Inclusive Church, published by Church Publishing in 2009.

Advent 1 (Luke 21:25-36)
Urgent God,
breaking through the static
to speak to our hearts:
disarm our love of control
and shake the silent heavens
to reveal your dawning glory
judging all in the light of love;
through Jesus Christ, the one who is to come. Amen.

Advent 2 (Luke 3:1-6)
Lord of the wilderness way,
whose word scours our smooth evasions:
take us on the unbending road
to the raw center of our world
with a cry of invitation
and the call of sudden grace;
through Jesus Christ, the one who is to come. Amen.

Advent 3 (Luke 3:7-18)
God of flood and fire,
calling us to turn
from dead halls
echoing with greed:
may the gift of your Spirit
come to us from another place,
burning with life and a hope
that will not be quenched;
through Jesus Christ, the one who is to come. Amen.

Advent 4 (Luke 1:39-45 [46-55])
God made known
in the friendship of women,
the word of greeting
and the unseen life enwombed:
give us the courage
of the teenage mother
who brings into the world
a song of joyful revolt
and a God who needs her love;
Through Jesus Christ, the one who is to come. Amen.

Supporting Worship in the Parish

Training Preachers

  • Lay Preaching Academy

Training Worship Leaders

  • Next training

Training Eucharistic Visitors


Liturgical Resources for Various Needs/Environments

